Unlock the Full Potential of Your Workforce: Odoo Human Resource Management Software


Employees are the most critical component of every company, how one should think to run a company without any employee. Therefore, managing employees is necessary to improve their productivity, engage them and retain them. But it is not easy to manage employees, the HR department has to do a lot, from sourcing and attracting top talent to managing the departure of employees. All things in between this, such as onboarding, training, attendance, leaves, appraisal, and payroll, all are the HR functions that are needed to be performed in such a manner that the company gets the best-industry talents and retains them for the long term.

Now the question is how is it possible to take care of all the HR functions using manual methods. Because the paper-based or spreadsheet-based HR management results in flawed hiring. Also, you will see unsatisfied employees, scattered or unorganized employee data, errors in payroll, and more.

Core HR Mobile Applications

To make the HR function more efficient and flawless, one should plan to implement human resource management software that can help you to handle and control entire human resource operations. Odoo HRMS is one of the best software that has all the HR modules that can help you to take care of everything, including recruitment, onboarding, training, attendance, leaves, payroll, appraisal, and exit management (offboarding) processing, and more. Odoo has developed smart HR software in such a manner that it can automate core HR processes.  Save your time and costs and focus on employee management. It truly enables you to retain the best talents in your organization.

Besides, the HR mobile applications make employee management more advanced, faster, and strong. HRMS mobile solution comprises recruitment management solution mobile app, attendance mobile app, leave management app, payroll mobile app, and more. Although Odoo offers thousands of mobile applications other than HR apps, such as customer relationship management mobile applications, sales mobile app, inventory management mobile app, purchase management app, etc. The customer relationship management mobile app is necessary for all organizations to keep the record of their customers, handle potential customers, track sales teams, and more.

Recruitment Management

Odoo recruitment management solution mobile app is an easy-to-use and user-friendly solution. This application covers the hiring process from the very beginning. This application integrates with the survey mobile app so that the recruitment team will know how many vacancies are in the company. To put it another way, all the departments in the organization fill survey forms where they mention if there is any vacancy in their department or not, the recruitment team can see their responses in real-time. In case of any requirement, then after getting approval from the HR head they instantly start posting the job on the website or other job posting portals, such as Indeed, Naukri.com, Monster, etc.

Furthermore, the recruitment management solution mobile app has a robust applicant tracking system. That tracking helps recruiters track the job applicant's status. In this way, they will know at which stage their candidates are. This will never let them miss applicants and lead to quality hiring.

Attendance Management

Companies need to be very careful when it comes to tracking the employee's attendance. The reason behind implementing an attendance mobile app or attendance management software is to get an accurate report of employee attendance. When it is done manually, employees might take advantage and mark their attendance at the wrong time. They might come late and go early, but mention the entry & exit time as per the office hours. To avoid such abuse, the implementation of an attendance application is important. Odoo's attendance solution can be integrated with attendance machines, such as biometric machines. This app lets you import the attendance of all your employees and integrate it with the payroll app. That lets you calculate the salary. This further makes payroll processing faster and easier. All things considered, the Odoo attendance app allows you to monitor employees working hours, late check-ins, early check-outs, absenteeism, etc.

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Leave Management

Using the self-service portal, employees can request leaves, and managers can approve or reject them as per the requirement. Also, the employee can see their leave balance and how many leaves they have taken. This software allows you to define the types of leaves, such as paid leave, sick leave, maternity leave, child care, etc. All things considered, better leave management allows managers to plan future tasks. Moreover, you can also define the approval steps, whether it is going to be a single step or multiple steps. Employees can see the status of their leaves from the self-service dashboard. Managers can easily manage the leave allocation and make decisions as per their priorities.

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Odoo Human Resource Management Software


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